Where are Montana’s Opportunity Zones?

Find Montana’s Opportunity Zones – and Learn What Makes These Locations Desirable. 

In 2017, Montana’s Opportunity Zones were created to attract investment to targeted regions. Put simply, Opportunity Zones are meant to bring money into low-income areas.

Investors can roll the profit from a business deal into an Opportunity Zone project – there are several advantages for the investor that are covered in the video linked here.

In theory, the community and the investor both benefit from this partnership, though simply being in an Opportunity Zone doesn’t guarantee that investors will come knocking. Let’s take a look at the location of Montana’s Opportunity Zones.

Locations Around Montana

Across Montana, there are several OZ’s in larger cities and towns. That includes Great Falls, Missoula, Bozeman, Butte, Hamilton, Helena, Kalispell, Miles City, and Billings. It’s no surprise that we find Opportunity Zones here: growing populations, along with rising property values and business incentives make these areas attractive to investors.

Montana reservations are featured on the list of Opportunity Zones. The Blackfeet, Crow Agency, Flathead, Fort Belknap, Fort Peck, Northern Cheyenne, and Rocky Boy reservations host Opportunity Zones.

While we sometimes think of these zones as promoting new industries, established businesses in these areas can leverage OZ funds to expand. Especially as Montana becomes an in-demand tourist destination, these areas can capitalize on the status to meet the growing demand for lodging, car rental, and outdoor recreation.

There are also some smaller cities receiving status as an Opportunity Zone. That’s places like Shelby, Libby, White Sulpher Springs, Harlowtown, Thompson Falls, Red Lodge, Anaconda, and Lewistown. They all met a pretty stringent series of criteria set by the Montana Department of Commerce to make the list.

But, how can folks in these areas make the most of their OZ status? And where would we suggest investors take their funds to maximize them in one of Montana’s Opportunity Zones? Contact us for the answers to those questions and more on the state of Montana’s CRE markets.

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Picture of Maggie Collister

Maggie Collister

Maggie Collister is the Project Marketing Manager at Sterling Commercial Real Estate (SterlingCRE), where she combines her extensive background in real estate development with a strategic, data-driven approach to support commercial real estate projects across Montana.
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