The Timeline for Finding and Buying Commercial Property for Your Business
When searching for the right commercial property for your business, timing, preparation, and expert guidance make all the difference. The process of securing a commercial property is complex and full of factors that impact your investment. Working with an experienced commercial real estate advisor like SterlingCRE Advisors gives you the insights and expertise needed to […]
SterlingCRE’s 8th Annual Missoula MarketWatch Event Shows Low Commercial Space Availability, Ballooning Apartment Deliveries
Missoula, MT—Sterling Commercial Real Estate Advisors hosted its annual MarketWatch event on Wednesday, March 6th, at the Florence Building in downtown Missoula. The event attracted over 120 participants, including business leaders and community stakeholders, who gathered to discuss the latest trends in Missoula’s commercial real estate market. The research department at SterlingCRE, led by Data […]
Build-to-Suit: What Does That Even Mean?
Have you ever driven around Montana and seen a “build-to-suit” sign on a piece of land and wondered what it meant? Why you should care? Are you tirelessly searching for the perfect commercial space for your business, facing an uphill battle finding a building that works? If so, the concept of build-to-suit should pique your […]
Maximizing Tax Benefits: Comparing 1031 Exchanges and Opportunity Zones in Montana
How Investors Can Use Opportunity Zones and 1031 Exchanges to Their Advantage Which one works best for your particular situation? In the past few years, much has been discussed about the potential opportunities for investors through Opportunity Zones, especially in cities like Missoula, Kalispell, Bozeman, and other locations across Montana. These designated Opportunity Zones have […]
SterlingCRE Weighs In: Fed’s Interest Rate Shift
In 2023, the Sterling brokerage team remained actively engaged in leasing, land sales, and catering to owner-occupier sales. The steady flow of transactions throughout the year was sustained by Montana’s robust economic prospects. However, investment activity experienced a decline due to increased borrowing costs, making investments more challenging. Sellers, buoyed by recent substantial gains […]
What’s Up With The Bozeman Boom?
Bozeman’s base economic sectors are pivotal drivers of its growth, shaping its prosperity. Industries constituting the core economy bring external revenue into the local community. This fosters the growth of other businesses within the region. In a previous blog post, we looked at the importance of understanding a community’s economic dynamics before making real estate […]
Build to Suit Montana | How Does that Work?
Have you ever noticed that almost every Walgreens or standalone Starbucks looks the same, no matter the location? That’s because these buildings are typically developed through a method known as Build to Suit (BTS). In Montana, the concept of BTS is gaining traction, particularly as more land offerings include it as a key feature. But what exactly is BTS?
How Do We Calculate an Opinion of Value? Opinions of Value: How Does that Work? One question we get a lot is: how does your team come up with the listing price for commercial properties? While we wish it were as easy as consulting our Magic 8 ball, valuing a commercial property is a much more complicated process. Without a thorough system […]
Grey Shell, White Shell, Warm Shell, Cool Shell
When looking for a commercial space to lease or buy, you’re likely to run across the term “shell.” In particular, commercial listings might include the term “cold, grey shell” or “warm, white shell.” What does that mean? Shell terminology makes sense, as these facilities might be little more than four walls and a roof. While […]