Missoula Commercial Real Estate: What’s That?
Who knew that Missoula commercial real estate could be interesting? Hey Missoula, commercial real estate is moving! What’s happening around town in December 2019? Watch the video below to find out more about cookies, pizza, Dee-Oh-Gee and everyone’s favorite… traffic! If dirt is moving in Missoula, or new ideas are coming to town, we’re watching […]
Opportunity Zones in Practice
Are you interested in learning about Opportunity Zones? Since we often hear the question, “So, How Does That Work?,” we have produced a new series to help clarify some common terms and ideas used in Commercial Real Estate investing. Our first episode touches on Opportunity Zones – what are they, what are the rules, what’s […]
Hey, What’s That Missoula? Ep. 8
Watch! For The Latest Commercial Real Estate Happenings Around Missoula Hello fellow Missoulians! In this episode of “Hey, What’s That Missoula?” we bring you some additional information on the sale of the former Shopko space, now owned by WinCo Foods; as well as, many of the new developments and changes coming in the near future […]
Hey, What’s That Missoula? Ep. 7
Watch! For The Latest Commercial Real Estate Happenings Around Missoula In this month’s episode of “Hey, What’s That Missoula” we travel from the Hip Strip to Midtown, then Reserve Street out to the Industrial Park. Watch, Like and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to find out all of the exciting changes taking place in the […]
Hey, What’s That Missoula? Ep. 6
Tons of new activity in Downtown Missoula’s commercial real estate scene! Have you eaten at the new restaurant, Second Set Bistro? And, how about that expansion of Missoula’s beloved Biga Pizza which includes the newest brewery to hit town… Cranky Sam? Plus, don’t miss the two new retail shops neighboring each other, Kindred Skin + […]
Does Your Commercial RE Investment Qualify For A 20% Tax Deduction?
The top 5 things you need to know so your commercial real estate investment can qualify for a 20% tax deduction. Have you heard of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act? Most of you would answer, yes. And, buried in there is Section 199A which allows qualified taxpayers to deduct 20% of their qualified […]
Hey, What’s That Missoula? Ep. 5
This week Sterling CRE highlights a few changes in Mid-Town and the South Side of Missoula! A new Providence Express Clinic, the coming-soon Sola Salon, and Blackfoot River Outfitters‘ proposed new building on Russell Street are just a few. Watch – and subscribe! – to our video series “Hey, What’s That Missoula?” below to stay […]
No Crystal Ball? How the Real Estate Demand Model Can Help Forecast Opportunities
Stay Ahead of the Real Estate Cycle, Use Economic Base Analysis You’ve no doubt heard and read all of the news about existing Missoula companies expanding along with additional firms looking to expand into our market. Savvy investors and developers pay very close attention to job growth trends to forecast where opportunities will likely be […]
Hey, What’s That Missoula? Ep. 4
From the Red Bird Wine Bar to a ‘Lark-Inspired’ Renovation – find out what’s happening in and around downtown Missoula! Watch – and subscribe! – to our video series “Hey, What’s That Missoula?” below! Sterling CRE Advisors actively tracks all new development projects in town and can aid you when you buy, sell, lease or […]
City of Missoula Housing Policy – An Exciting Time to Invest in Missoula
MARKET WATCH MINUTE – brought to you by Sterling CRE Advisors Highlights from “Our Development Guide, Looking Forward 2018-2028” presented by Nick Kaufman, Land Use Planner, WGM Group, Inc. What an exciting time to consider investing in Missoula. In this Market Watch segment, I discussed a broad range of topics centered on issues of interest […]