Investors Bullish Montana Self Storage

Montana Self Storage Insights from Claire Matten, CCIM

Almost from the start, 2020 has been clouded with uncertainty. And though so much still feels unclear in Q3, Montana self storage is a safer place than ever to invest.

As PPP money runs out, shutdowns persist, and unemployment sputters along many feel lost in the woods as to where to put their money. The standard rationale to own storage – recession-proof, low turnover costs, consistent demand, etc. – is ever more valid in a volatile market.

Investors are feeling a bit like Goldilocks:

Treasury Bonds produce unsatisfying low rates (too cold!)

Stock Market fluctuations are proving too risky to invest in (too hot!)

Commercial Real Estate is looking less risky than the stock market, with a better return than treasury bonds (just right!)

If commercial real estate hits the spot, which asset type do you choose right now? Industrial is holding strong with the rise of online shopping and self storage is proving more stable than ever. Investors returned to 2017-like attitudes on self storage values – even making offers in some markets based on three-year projections.

Without a way to predict what interest rates will do in the coming years, now may be the time to sell your self-storage asset. Find out more in the full report.


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