Rise Of The Bozeman Industrial Market: Key Trends And Insights

Bozeman’s industrial market has seen a small bump in vacancy rates, according to a report from the Sterling Commercial Real Estate Advisors research team.

In the first half of 2023, the industrial vacancy rate in Bozeman rose to 2.65%. This is  a 2.25% rise from the same period the previous year. However, 2.65% is a low vacancy rate for industrial, indicating an under-supplied market.

The outlook for industrial space in Bozeman remains positive. The region continues to experience economic growth. The city has been at the top of the list of micropolitans ranked by economic strength for the past six years.

To learn more about the state of the Bozeman industrial market, attend Bozeman Market Watch on September 7. Details on the event are here. For a copy of the full Bozeman Industrial Report click the button below.

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Picture of Maggie Collister

Maggie Collister

Maggie Collister is the Project Marketing Manager at Sterling Commercial Real Estate (SterlingCRE), where she combines her extensive background in real estate development with a strategic, data-driven approach to support commercial real estate projects across Montana.
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