Three Reasons Montana Small Businesses Should Pay Attention to CRE Trends

Why should small businesses in Montana stay current with commercial real estate data?

Hey, Montana small businesses: if you aren’t ready to buy your own building, should you care about the commercial real estate market? Here’s the top three reasons small business owners should keep tabs on local CRE trends.

  • Don’t Overpay. If you lease a commercial space, understanding the going rate per square foot can save you from overspending on rent. Get current lease rates here.
  • Plan Ahead. Understanding the local CRE market means you know the value of your space – if market rents around you are going up, your business can plan accordingly. 
  • Avoid Surprises. Knowing CRE jargon can pay off, especially when it comes to technical lease terms like CAM, NNN, and Load Factor. Budgeting for these costs can save you from unexpected expenses later.


Savvy business owners use this information to negotiate better lease rates, terms, and tenant improvement budgets. Even if you’re not ready to buy a commercial property to house your business, understanding the local markets can save you time and money. 

Avoid more commercial leasing mistakes here.

Ready to move, expand, or plan for the future? Contact Nick Chaussee.

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Picture of Maggie Collister

Maggie Collister

Maggie Collister is the Project Marketing Manager at Sterling Commercial Real Estate (SterlingCRE), where she combines her extensive background in real estate development with a strategic, data-driven approach to support commercial real estate projects across Montana.
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